Sunday 15 February 2015

Is Your WHY Big Enough?

If your WHY is big enough you can achieve anything” 

Use your current situation as a chance to grow because God will never rush you to your destination until you are ready. He will use what’s around you to get you to your destination. Every time when I look around me I see greatness. Most of the time we often look at our situation in pity sometimes in pain and we fail to see the greatness within. 

Ask yourself these following questions WHY do you want to succeed in life, WHY me? Most of the time we focus on the HOW instead of WHY and we immediately limit ourselves, I started speaking in 2006 for 6 years I was focused on the HOW. HOW can I make an impact? HOW can I do what I love and get paid? It was always HOW HOW HOW and my answers were always limited. 

In 2012 I changed my question to WHY, WHY do I want to make an impact? WHY do I want to be successful? WHY do I want to build my granny a house? WHY gives you an emotional attachment to your goal and creates a desire in your heart to achieve it. If your WHY is big enough your HOW will take care of itself, when you give your goal or vision an emotional attachment you can achieve more as your brain will always push you to achieve it. 

The birth of my book didn’t come on the HOW but came on the WHY if I concentrated on the HOW can I write a book? It was going to limit me because I didn’t have a Personal Computer at that time. My question became WHY should I write a book? Why is my story relevant to young people? With all the answers I got I was fired up and I used what I had to get what I wanted.  When your WHY is big enough limits become opportunities, disappointments become appointments. I look at myself and my achievements for the past year I am humbled but my WHY was big enough.

Don’t be afraid of changes. There will be many times when things will do not go as planned. You can either sit back and feel defeated or create a new plan but never change your vision. You have the power to control your reactions and create the life that you want. Now is the time to embrace change and welcome new beginnings, as you carve out a new journey for yourself.

 You are an amazing person. Believe it and your options will be limitless. Now is the time to be YOU and all that you are meant to be! Now is the time to defy the odds, take a risk and dive right in. Your greatest successes will be realised when you are not afraid to fail.

Malibongwe Xaba
Author, Leadership 2020 speaker & One Young World Ambassador.

Malibongwe’s book “All Things Are Possible” is available to order

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