Friday 20 February 2015

Business, Self-esteem and Networking

Bertha joined EON Consulting (Pty) Ltd in 2012 as a partner in the firm, and was appointed Managing Director in 2014She is responsible for the leadership and management of the business lead and the facilitation and development of business strategy (Operational, Business Development, Market Position and People Value Proposition). Bertha also oversees the execution of the business strategy,management of business profitability development and implementation of the EON Transformation Strategy Management of Business Governance and Risk Marketing, Public Relations, Communications and Board Reporting Duties.

In 2006, she founded Rito Consulting Services, an integrated communications consulting company which she successfully ran for seven years. In seven years she had delivered marketing communication strategies for clients in the public and private sector.


During the time that she ran the company, Rito Consulting successfully delivered marketing communications projects for many clients with different scales of budgets. Some of the clients serviced by Rito include: Telkom SA, Road Accident Fund, BANKSETA, MBD Credit Solutions, AGSA, National Credit Regulator, Finance Intelligence Centre, Motseng Investment Holdings, Petro SA, African Bank, Development Bank of Southern Africa and Merafong City Local Municipality.

She will be sharing some insight on Business, Self-esteem and Networking.

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