Monday, 30 November 2015

Someday Will Never Come

As we are heading into the new year it is quite to be caught in the trap of planning and setting out your new year's resolutions.

Planning to do something later is exactly the same as not doing it. Putting off joy and fulfillment until later is the same as abandoning that joy and fulfillment.

It’s easier to say you’ll do it later, but what that almost always means is that you’ll never get it done. Choose to do it now, or not to do it now, but don’t fool yourself by pretending you’ll do it later.

Someday has never come, and never will. The day you actually have; to act, to speak, to learn, to grow, to love, to experience, is the day you’re in.

Start now, not tomorrow or someday or when you get the chance. Start now, and keep going now, and fill each moment with meaningful substance as it comes.

Right now is when you can live your life, and change your life, and enjoy the exquisite beauty of existence. This moment is when you can step forward and get good, useful, loving and significant things done.

It is truly a joy to be alive, so choose to be fully alive right here and now. Live and give and work and love and experience, not someday, but this very amazing day.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Most Out Of Life

"Let the world know why you are here and do it with passion." - Wayne Dyer

Whatever space you’re in, seek to fill it with positive energy and light. Whatever task you’re doing, approach it as if it is the most important and fulfilling job you’ve ever done.

Treat each person with whom you interact as the most highly respected person in the world. Look upon every experience as the most valuable experience you’ve ever had.

Those who find the most meaning and fulfillment in life are those who give the most to each moment, to each person and each activity. The world in which you live is the world that your choices create.

The most valuable opportunities are those to which you give the best of your attention, effort and commitment. The luckiest people are those who choose to create their own good luck.

Every situation is a situation to which you can add value. Every moment is a moment to which you can offer love, beauty and positive purpose.

If you wish to get the most out of life? Then choose to be the most positively alive.

In memory of Wayne Dyer, may your soul rest in peace.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Spot The Opportunities That Your Problems Present

A lot of the great men and women that we look up to today did not have it easy along their way, plenty of the opportunities that they had often came disguised as problems, overcoming obstacles became their daily routine but they chose not to succumb to them, they chose to make fortunes from unfortunate situations.

It has been said by a wise man that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but we are powerful beyond measure, that power that is being referred to can be used to build or destroy, it has been granted to each one of us and we are all given a choice regarding how we want to use that power.

Problems present themselves daily, some have nothing to do with us, and some affect us directly but we determine the strength of each problem, if we choose to only see it as a problem and nothing else then it grows and becomes just that, a massive problem we cannot control, however if we look for a possible opportunities and solutions to the problem then we diminish the strength of the problem and magnify the power of the opportunity that the solution gave rise to.

When faced with adversity, it is the choices we make that are most important; this is what defines us and teaches us a lot about ourselves.  Irrespective of what you are faced with at this present moment, know one fact, which is that it will not go away unless you proactively choose to make it go away and the only way you can do that is by changing the way you think because the current state of thinking contributed to prolonging your pain, thus it only makes sense to try an alternative method of dealing with the pain.

The best thing about this newly found cure is that it comes packed with life antibiotics which will help you to be better prepared the next time you experience any setbacks and this will ensure that you spot the opportunities in your problems a lot quicker in future. 

Keeping it real with 
Rori Matsetela

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Embrace The Day

What you do, do with passion. As you live, fill life with meaning. 

Each moment is a precious, irreplaceable bundle of unique and immense value. Each and every day is an opportunity to add great new richness to your life.

Don’t get caught up in obsessing over what went wrong or what might not work out. Instead, get completely caught up in making the very best of what is, when it is.

There is no need to wait a moment longer to experience the fulfillment you seek. The possibilities are here and now, and you can act decisively to bring them to life.

Let the shortcomings serve as guides for where to make improvements. Let each disappointment remind you why it is so important to bring your dreams to life.

Embrace today for all it is, and resolve to live it fully. Give your absolute best, and what you get will be even better.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Life is a journey and not an event but in this journey there are many events that measure our progress along the way, we must be mindful when things do not go according to plan of what it is that we did not do right for the end result to not be to our liking, we all like to believe that we gave it our all, however it is important to be humble enough to acknowledge where we went wrong so that we can correct that the next time in order to achieve the desired end result.

The acronym for FAIL is First Attempt In Learning, if you think about it everything takes practise before being perfected because while you practising mistakes are allowed and it is through those mistakes that we learn to become experts in what we have practised for a long period of time.

We have been learning from the day we were born and we will continue to learn until our final breath. Lessons come in different forms, some are disguised as pain and anguish, some in classroom set ups and others in what happens to those around us; no matter how you choose to look at any situation, you are not exposed to it for the sake of it ,because we are all humans made from flesh and are prone to similar situations; however if we learn from one another then we can avoid making similar mistakes in our first attempts thus making our progression somewhat smoother because we know better.

Lessons contain seeds of growth and prosperity but you need to appreciate those seeds in order for you to plant them wisely and nourish them so that their purpose can be fulfilled, there are always many opportunities to do something better but at the end of the day it is all about you; and whether you are willing to do it better or not will determine how you seize that moment.

The great lesson today is to get things done no matter what because the only way we will ever learn is if we get started, make mistakes, acknowledge them then pick ourselves up and try again; but if we sit back and do nothing then the only lesson that will be learnt is that nothing happens; so if nothing is happening then use that as a lesson that you need to start making things happen by getting up and doing something.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Unearthing Raw Talent

I had the pleasure of interviewing Jackie Van Graan founder and CEO of Raw Talent Builders which is a skills training and recruitment company which she has just started with the hope to curb the lack of skilled young people in South Africa.

“It actually all started with the state of the nation address, I felt a desire to build something that I can eventually leave for my kids. I realised that there are so many opportunities in our country but there is no one that is taking the time to upskill our young people, so I decided to start my own company.” Jackie explains about what inspired her to start Raw Talent Builders.

Lured by the desire to make a better life for her family coupled with the passion she had to empower the youth of the country, Jackie left a management position with a lucrative salary and pursued the lonely life of entrepreneurship

It wasn’t a challenging decision to make really, there wasn’t anything that could stop me. I just woke up in the morning and told my boss that I am resigning, somehow I felt like everything will be okay. It was a risky decision really because I am a single mother of three and I had to think about them, but I am happy and I am fulfilled, I am doing what I love.”

“I have always wanted to be the CEO of a company but then I realised that being CEO means that I still have to report to someone so I decided to be my own boss. I knew I was going to do something around education because I have always found pleasure in upskilling and coaching people hence I started Raw Talent Builders.”

Raw Talent Builders is an innovative skills training company that helps young people develop the necessary expertise required in the workplace to help them flourish. Its services are beneficial for the both the employee and the employer, it also caters for both junior level employees as well as managers.

“It works in a two fold process for both job seekers and employers and there are three legs to the process. We get guys that are looking for jobs and place them in a four day intense workshop where we train them in all the basic call centre skills that you need to help you prosper. The great incentive is in that you only pay us 50% for the workshop and the other half you will pay us once you have a job.”

Raw Talent Builders focuses greatly on sales, customer care and retentions training. Jackie has over years of experience of which 5 years are in management ranging across all three skillsets and she uses her wealth of experience to help develop world class call centre agents that put client centricity at the helm when executing their duties.

The service includes lifelong mentoring and coaching sessions to help you climb up the corporate ladder. They train you to have a billionaire mind-set and always thrive to do the job better than anyone else and this is an initiative that starts from the first day in class until you feel that you don’t need their support anymore. The workshop is designed for both job seekers as well as anyone else who already has a job and feels that they need a bit of upskilling to push them to the next level in their current position.

" We are now also moving onto the retail industry to train on front line sales and customer service"

In the next three to five years Jackie hopes to open branches in all the nine provinces in the country and build a sustainable training centre that can help alleviate the lack of skilled youth in the workplace as well as establish South Africa as a country known for great customer service. Jackie believes that the only way we can reduce the high employment rate in the country is through entrepreneurship, she has seen a huge gap in the market and has taken an initiative to fill it.

If you are struggling to get a job interview or maybe your current employer is not seeing the potential you have to take you to the next level then get in touch with Raw Talent Builders and you can be guaranteed that your career will take a turn for the better, you will be able to reach heights you never imagined possible because they will help you unleash your full potential.

If you are a retail store or call centre HR, Manager or owner looking for super selling machines who give world class service contact us to ensure you get the best person for the job


Contact Raw Talent Builders for a career opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Jackie Van Graan – 0824095430 @RAW_T_B

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Make Life's Richness A Full-time Job

If you quit before the work is completed, the work you’ve done is wasted. Honor the time and effort you’ve already put into it by finishing what you started. 

If you plant a seed, and water it just for a few days, and then stop, you might as well have never planted it. Remember to direct your focus again and again toward those things you’re committed to completing.

Being inspired for a few minutes or for a day or two feels good. Being inspired for a lifetime is what actually achieves good and valuable results.

Remind yourself what a truly extraordinary opportunity you have by virtue of being you. Then remind yourself again, and again, on every day, in each new situation.

Feel the exquisite joy and purposeful power of being alive. Then commit yourself to staying connected to that feeling.

Don’t settle for just a few moments here and there of brilliance and inspiration and true richness. Make life’s richness a full-time job.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

A Network Of Talents

This quote is the exact opposite of the well known Les Brown Quote that states “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry their dream.”

This reminds us just how important it is to use our many God given talents before it is too late and the only time when it’s really too late is when we pass on because that is when we can do no more on earth.

We were all born a blessing and given a set of gifts that are not only meant to help us achieve our purpose on earth but also help those around us discover theirs once we become confident about ours because the more people we take along on our journey to the top, the greater the chances of us going even further as we build a stronger network of soldiers to help us carry the burden when times get tough along the way

A single step is all it takes at the moment because that is what will ensure that you are on your way and once you take that step, you will begin to open your eyes and see those ahead of you with a helping hand to help you reach the next level.

The great thing about living in such a diverse universe is that we all have something unique that we do best and as we build networks we discover people that are better at something else that can help us take the next step and our unique talent helps them to do the same, this where growth and prosperity begin which is why when we hang on to our God given talents, we are not only shooting ourselves in the foot but we are also standing in the way of someone that could do with our help to help them progress to the next level.

We were not born in a world with so many people to only serve our own purpose, if it was just about the individual then there would not be a need for billions of people on earth. We need to look beyond ourselves, we need to humble ourselves and ask for help when we need it and be kind enough to offer help where we see it could benefit another person because we cannot do it all by ourselves and many people who perished without fulfilling their potential kept it all to themselves and were to proud to ask for help.

Receiving is heavily linked to giving and we all have something that we are good at, let us all make a pledge to make full use of our talents to not only help us fulfil our potential but also to help those around us that are in need of that specific talent to compliment what they are good at, that way we are creating a whole new network that could potentially drive us to make even better use of our gifts.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Monday, 6 July 2015

Lamo Solar - Keeping The Energy Alive

Lamo Solar is a renewable energy company co-founded by Elmond Khoza and Tshibvumo Sikhwivhilu. Elmond is currently the President and Chief Operating officer of Lamo. 


Lamo Solar was implemented as a company that was going to build and protect the renewable energy industry by providing specialized services and building a culture of high standard and safe installations.


 Elmond Khoza had his first interaction with a solar power system when he was 13years old. His parents bought a 50w solar panel, an inverter and a car battery in their effort to shield the household from power blackouts which occurred frequently in the area. This was the first system he installed. He later enrolled at the university of the Witwatersrand to pursue a degree in electrical engineering, and that is where the founders of Lamo Solar met. Tshibvumo Sikhwivhilu has a background in leadership, and he is currently pursuing his MBA at the Wits Business School. Elmond and Tshibvumo partnered for their honors year lab project. The project was in renewable energy; titled, "grid tied photovoltaic system feasibility study for the Genmin Laboratory".


Lamo Solar was not my first interaction in business, during my undergrad I owned a tuckshop at one of the university's residence, called EOH. That is where I learned valuable lessons about business. Rules of business are the same, whether you are running a multi-national company or selling sweets at a street corner. The most important thing is that you must have satisfied clients.


When we started Lamo Solar, with our background and skills set, we knew that technically we were in the right industry. But we had to distinguish ourselves, and we decided instead of designing solutions for electricians to install, we would ensure that at least one engineer is part of each and every installation team. This at first met criticism that we are wasting valuable skills by using scarce skills in an unconventional way. This is really proving to be our biggest strength because we are able to evaluate risks on site and deal with problems quicker and thus always complete quality installations on time.


The Lamo Solar project was implemented without any startup capital, and this was only possible because of our education and zealousness. We borrowed tools for our first project and since then we have been reinvesting our profits towards building a sustainable company. Today if there is any advice I can give is, entrepreneurs should not dwell in planning to do business, they must start now and move fast, and until they have their first client they should know they do not have a good business idea.


Lamo is not a one man or two men idea, we believe in an open platform model. We believe that getting people involved is the only way we can be a renowned youth led renewable energy company in the world. Within the Lamo team we boast some of the great young minds who would like to apply their skills and energy towards building sustainable communities and ultimately a great country. Our Chief Technology Officer, Didier Iradukunda, is one such individual. Didier is currently pursuing his masters degree in renewable energy at the Wits University.


Education, in a big way contributed and is still contributing towards the Lamo Solar movement. The Lamo Team is passionate about education and we believe that no child should receive low grade education because they do not have electricity at their schools; thus one of our goals is to install solar power system at a thousand rural and underprivileged schools by 2020.


The biggest trials we have encountered today are barriers of entry into specialised businesses. For a youth led business to be taken seriously proved to be a challenge, but once we had our first client, we are ticking off challenges everyday. 


I personally get the biggest fulfillment when, after commissioning a project a client comes and says, "thank you Lamo Solar, you guys really know and specialise in renewable energy." It is only when you have met the expectations of the client that you can be proud of your work and know that you are in the right business. The messages of appreciation get us going, they keep us working at wee hours of the morning.


South Africa boasts one of the best conditions for solar power solutions. If young people can get involved, we would be able to come up with life changing solutions to electrify not only the country, but the whole continent.



Elmond Khoza


President/Chief Operating Officer

BSc. Electrical Engineering (Wits)



Engineering Our Installations 


Mobile: +2778 489 3398

Fax: 086 718 3378


Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Reality is defined as the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

For these ‘things’ to exist, it starts with an idea and the more energy, time and effort you put into this idea, the greater the chances of turning it into reality.

Ideas are always open and subject to opinions, some opinions will encourage it and some will belittle the thought of it, however the most important opinion of all is the one you carry about your own idea. Is the idea good enough for you? If the answer is YES, never mind any opinion that suggests otherwise and do all that you can to manifest that idea into something tangible and real.

Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it is done”. A lot of people never thought it was possible to get a man on the moon or in space but it has happened, we have cancer survivors among us despite doctors opinions at some stage, HIV/AIDS was once seen as death sentence yet today we have people living proudly and in some cases you find them more focused and healthy than those without it.

If someone tells you that you can’t do something that you are passionate about, tell them exactly why you can and will do it! Make sure that response is passionate, firm and overshadows any doubt they were trying to plant in your head, with that you will not only be convincing yourself even more about your vision but you will also make them question the limitations they have about themselves and hopefully encourage them to change their attitudes.

Some people genuinely believe that if they cannot do something then no one else can but if they can be shown that it is possible, it can motivate them to go back to what they left unfinished because they deemed it impossible. Continue to work for what you believe in irrespective of what people say; because behind their negativity towards your dream is respect that you are actually going for it and that respect, will ultimately make them change their attitude towards their own dreams when they see your hard work, persistence and determination pay off.

In conclusion, Reality is what we choose, our reality is not the same as someone else’s reality, reality is not constant and can be changed so use every opportunity you get to elevate your reality to the next level because not only will that make you a better version of you but it also gives you the opportunity to inspire people to follow in your footsteps and turn their lives around for the better.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela 

Monday, 22 June 2015

9 Powerful Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Goals

9 Powerful Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Goals 

By Ali Luke

Wouldn’t it be great to have more time? With a few extra hours a week, you could finally accomplish those goals that have been on your list for so long … but your life just seems to get busier and busier.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can find time to reach your goals – in fact, you already have enough time, you just might not realize it.

Here are nine powerful ways to find more time, starting now:


#1: Track Your Time for Several Days

Where does your time really go? If you’re not sure, then keep track of your time for a few days. Record what you’re doing in 15 minute intervals. You may want to focus particularly on trouble-spots: times of day when you tend to procrastinate.

Look for any time sinks – tasks or activities that are taking up a lot more time than you thought. Can you cut down the amount of time you spend on these – or cut them out of your day altogether?

#2: Break Your Goal into Little Chunks

If you have a huge goal like “run a marathon” or “write a book”, you’re obviously not going to accomplish it overnight: it’s going to take months or even years of effort. Big goals can be daunting – but by breaking them into little chunks, you make it much easier to get started and to keep going.

Spend a few minutes writing down the next five small steps that you need to take to move towards your goal. These might be steps like “find a good training plan” or “buy new trainers” or “go for a 15-minute jog today” if you want to run a marathon next year.

#3: Realize That Even 10 Minutes is Enough

It’s often easy to put off working on a goal because you don’t have enough time. Sure, you might have 10 minutes to spare – but you think you need a whole hour or two. Even 10 minutes, though, is enough to make some progress towards your goal.

Find little tasks that you can fit into 10 minutes … you’ll be surprised how much they’ll add up over a week or a month! If you’re working on a book, you could spend 10 minutes brainstorming topics, adding to your plan, or even writing a new paragraph of the content.

#4: Block Out a Whole Afternoon or Weekend for Your Goal

Of course, it’s not easy to accomplish your whole goal in daily 10-minute increments: if you want to run a marathon, for instance, you’ll need to train for longer than 10 minutes at a time. This is when a diary or calendar becomes a vital tool to help you towards your goal.

Look ahead a few weeks, and see whether you can block out a whole Saturday afternoon – or even a whole weekend – to spend on your goal. Mark that time now in your diary or calendar, and don’t let any social events or chores creep into that space.

#5: Get Help from Others

You don’t have to pursue your goal all on your own. Even if you don’t know anyone who can help you in a direct way, with advice or even useful equipment (perhaps none of your friends have never pursued a similar goal), you can get people to help you free up some time.

If you have kids, for instance, how about swapping childcare with a friend? That way, you could have a few extra hours each week to focus on your goal.

#6: Use Your Lunch Break

If you’re in the habit of grabbing lunch at your desk, start using your lunch break to work on your goal. You might not be able to spend the whole hour – but you could at least take 30 minutes to go for a brisk walk, or to do a little extra work on your book.

Don’t feel guilty about taking a proper break, either (even if your colleagues don’t tend to). As well as feeling good about making progress toward your goal, you’ll get a much-needed rest from your work – leaving you more able to focus on your work during the afternoon.

#7: Use Your Commute

If you normally drive to work, how about listening to an audio book on your journey? Pick something that ties in with your goal (e.g. you might choose a book about writing, or a motivational one to help you stay on track).

If your goal relates to exercise, can you walk, jog, or cycle to work? This obviously isn’t practical for everyone – but even if you have a long journey, you could get off the train (or park your car) further from the office and walk the rest of the way.

#8: Set Your Alarm 20 Minutes Early

By getting up just a little earlier, you can make time for your goal before all the busyness of the day has begun. That might mean 20 minutes of exercising or writing, perhaps before the rest of your family is awake.

If you’re worried about being too tired, try going to bed earlier. Most of us don’t accomplish anything much in the 20 minutes before bed – whereas when we’re refreshed in the morning, we can get a surprising amount done.

#9: Get Better at Saying “No”

One big reason why most of us don’t have enough time for our goals is because we say “yes” too often. We take on commitments that aren’t a good fit for our true aims and dreams. If this sounds like you, then get better at saying “no”.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Get Going Right Now

Where do you want to be, and when do you want to get there? Can you answer that question for your own life? Can you answer it in rich and specific detail?

Anything in the world is available to you when you make the decision to achieve it. Do you understand and fully comprehend what a powerful opportunity you have?

You can continue wishing, and hoping, and dreaming, and complaining about how unfair it is that other people get all the breaks. Or you can decide exactly what you wish to achieve and then take the necessary actions which will get you there.

Don’t console yourself by thinking you couldn’t possibly do it, because you can do it when you put your mind, your heart, your spirit, your time, effort and commitment into it. You can do it. Dream big dreams. Set ambitious goals. Then go out and make them happen, step by step, day by day, moment by moment.

It happens every day and it can happen for you, when you’re really willing to make it happen. So don’t delay another minute. Get yourself going right now.

Keep Your Head Up

A life free from obstacles is one that has not been created yet, even a foetus in a womb has to go through a lot in nine months before eventually gracing the earth with a loud cry; those are tears of joy, happiness, appreciation and victory after overcoming the first big challenge of making it to the universe where they will be able to make a more heartfelt impact in plenty of lives.

There are some situations that catch us off guard every now and then, which cause us to lose ourselves in the moment because we are in deep pain, this is okay and it only becomes a problem if we allow it to go on for too long. There comes a point during the most difficult of storms for us to get protection and move against the harsh winds that are holding us back from realising our full potential because if it is unopposed then it will blow us in the direction it chooses to take us in, however if we stand strong we force it to change direction allowing us to choose our own path.

The protection that is being referred to in this case is our head which carries our most prized asset being the mind. Use your mind to control the direction your head faces because keeping your head up shows confidence in the universe and yourself, you invite positivity and allow yourself to experience the beauty of the universe because you are directly sending a positive message to the world that you are worth more and you deserve the best.

The most natural thing that happens when our heads are held high is that our mood is lifted; we become more confident and start to show off our beautiful smiles. No matter what you are going through today, keep your head up because if you can get that right, best believe that your recovery is imminent. 

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Small Steps Of Opportunity

Success rarely comes from making just a few big efforts. Success almost always is the result of small efforts multiplied again and again.

Small, simple acts can reliably lead to big, magnificent achievements. It’s just a matter of putting enough of those small, simple actions together in the same direction.

Right now, in this moment, is your opportunity to take one small step toward whatever goal you have set for yourself. In the next moment, there will be another such opportunity, and another and another as time goes on.

Achievement belongs to those who make wise and productive use of time as it comes. Achievement comes from those who understand that small opportunities can lead to big results.

Those small opportunities are everywhere, and you don’t have to beg or plead with anyone to give you access to them. You simply have to see the potential they represent, and then take action.

Each time you see the opportunity to take one small step, by all means take it. And soon you’ll be racing far ahead.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Positive Power Comes From The Inside

No matter what may be happening on the outside, you are in charge of the way you are on the inside. And the way you are inside makes all the difference in the value and fulfillment you experience in each day. 

Will you be overwhelmed by the problems or energized by the opportunities? That depends on the attitude with which you choose to live.

Will you be a victim of life’s circumstances or will you take positive control of your own destiny? The inner you makes that choice.

You can decide whether to live each day in the darkness of despair or in the light of possibility. You can choose between being a victim or a victor.

It is easy to blame your outer circumstances for the way your life unfolds. Yet the most influential factor is the perspective from which you respond to the way life unfolds.

At any time and place, in any situation, you can choose a positive, empowering, life-affirming perspective. Keep positive power on the inside, and you can successfully deal with whatever happens everywhere else.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


This quote carries so much power because it works both ways, if you repeat affirmations of greatness, success and power then that is exactly what you will believe about yourself but if you repeat the opposite then you will turn out to be that as well.

To change your current situation, you first have to change the way you think in general, monitor every thought, think about the impact of what you say will have on you before you say it out loud. We are largely what we think and say about ourselves, those that speak pain experience it the most and those that shout victory keep on winning.

Some of the words that come to mind when you think or hear about Muhammad Ali are VICTORY, CHAMPION, PASSION, BEST and CONFIDENT. These words do not just come from those that got the opportunity to see him in his prime, some of us just heard about him and yet his name brings about such powerful words and thoughts.

What we can learn from him is that we should not wait for people to say good things about us before we start doing good, we cannot afford to wait for people to tell us how great we are before we believe it, you cannot sell yourself to people if you are not sold about yourself. It all starts with you and people should follow your lead where you are concerned.

The best thing about you is that no one knows you better than you know yourself, no one can figure out how far you can go, and no one can measure your will. The reason for that is you have to see it first, because once you have seen it, you will express it and only then will people be able to comprehend what you have known all along; so do not ever be ashamed to blow your own horn because it has been specifically designed for your lungs and only you can blow it to perfection.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela 

Choose To Be Happy

The good things in life do not create happiness. The good things in life arise from happiness.

If you wish to be happy, then be happy. It really is as simple as that.

There’s no need to wait until you acquire this or achieve that. If you constantly place conditions on happiness, you’ll prevent yourself from experiencing it.

Go ahead and be happy now, today, this very moment. Be happy for no reason at all, and you’ll find that you’re more effective, more productive, more creative and more fulfilled.

Indeed, happiness is a powerful state of mind that is available to you when you allow it to be. The best reason to be happy is because you can.

Being genuinely happy is a powerful way to express your confidence and your expectation that positive things will happen. And when you confidently expect the best, that’s precisely what you get.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Get Going Right Now

Where do you want to be, and when do you want to get there? Can you answer that question for your own life? Can you answer it in rich and specific detail?

Anything in the world is available to you when you make the decision to achieve it. Do you understand and fully comprehend what a powerful opportunity you have?

You can continue wishing, and hoping, and dreaming, and complaining about how unfair it is that other people get all the breaks. Or you can decide exactly what you wish to achieve and then take the necessary actions which will get you there.

Don’t console yourself by thinking you couldn’t possibly do it, because you can do it when you put your mind, your heart, your spirit, your time, effort and commitment into it. You can do it. Dream big dreams. Set ambitious goals. Then go out and make them happen, step by step, day by day, moment by moment.

It happens every day and it can happen for you, when you’re really willing to make it happen. So don’t delay another minute. Get yourself going right now.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Battlefield

Challenges are the universe’ way of showing us that we are not where we want to be and we deserve so much more, the thought of overcoming these challenges is what gets us up in the morning because we already know what overcoming these challenges will mean to us.

At the beginning of each battle, we never really know how much strength we will need to conquer, it all starts with great belief and faith, we are upbeat about it and our confidence is at its highest. As time goes on and we do not see the results we had imagined at the start, we tend to lose a bit of fight and get drained at the thought of waking up and fighting starts to become daunting. It is normal and you should not despair when that happens, all you have to do is go back to the drawing board and remind yourself why you wanted to overcome this and you will find that strength you had at the beginning to help you continue where you left off and with that begins progress.

When you choose to continue fighting after you have experienced failure, you feel that you are putting a lot at risk because now you know the pain of not succeeding and you never want to go through that again. It is a scary thought, and it is easy to give into that fear and just stop trying in order to protect yourself, however the great disadvantage in this is that you will never know what would have happened had you continued and the thought of not knowing will haunt you a lot worse than any fear you ever had.

Stand up to your fears because they do not have any power over you, they are just there to remind you about the size of the battle you are in, acknowledge them and continue fighting, with each step you take you will notice those fears fading away and being replaced with confidence, they might try to creep back at some point but if you constantly remind yourself of why you are where you are; your confidence in victory will overpower them and eliminate them for good and once they are gone you will know that victory is near.

Once a battle is won, it is very important to not become complacent so that you can hold onto that crown and be able to go for much bigger crowns;  to do that you will need more warriors around you and because you have experienced many battles before, you are in the perfect position to develop your own warriors by helping them overcome their battles, because by doing this, you are not only giving back but you are creating a network of loyal soldiers who can help you tackle and win even bigger battles in future.

Keeping it real with

Rori Matsetela 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Hope is motivation’s greatest supply of energy; it is the fuel that gets you going when everything seems to be going against you because hope as a force is far more powerful than any obstacle that you come across and it will continue to drive out any pessimism that dares to come in its way.

For this force of hope to become stronger and to have more substance, it needs partners that can help it to have the desired impact on the end goal and the most important partner of all is faith. Faith keeps hope alive when the odds are stacked against a person because with faith comes belief which then leads to action that can manifest hope into something real.

Hope on its own can only get you so far, however you need to hold onto it as it plays a huge role in finding the strength to act, because acting does not guarantee first time results but if you hold on to hope then you are guaranteed that if you try again and try harder then you will get the results that you want.

Carry hope with you at all times, take it to bed and it will influence your dreams which will improve your attitude when you wake up, take it to work or school and you will find your true purpose for doing what you are currently doing then take it back to where it all began and you will remember why you value it so much and how far it has brought you.

Keeping It Real With

Rori Matsetela 

Release Your Burdens

Many of the little things that cause you continuing frustration can be greatly reduced or eliminated. It’s simply a matter of taking the time and making the effort to do so.

The small frustrations are usually the easiest to get rid of. Because they are small, though, you may not have made it a priority to deal with them.

Remember, however, that the small frustrations add up quickly. When combined together, they can impose a major burden on your time and your life.

So make the choice to unburden yourself from them, one by one. Devote some time to ridding yourself of many of those little frustrations that can add together to drag you down.

At first glance, it may seem like a waste to spend an hour or two dealing with something that normally sets you back only a few minutes each day. Yet if you can save yourself those few minutes, day after day, month after month, it can add up to an enormous amount of time.

And by freeing yourself from more and more small frustrations, you free your mind and your spirit to focus on the positive, meaningful things. Find ways to unburden yourself from the little frustrations, and you’ll find opportunities to add greatly to the richness of life.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Surprise Yourself

Some of the most interesting and valuable experiences are the ones you don’t expect. Surprises can bring into your life good things you never knew were there.

It’s comfortable to stick with the same old routine, but comfort is overrated. Choose to regularly jump out of that routine, and get yourself in situations where you can be surprised.

Learn to look forward to the difficult, the unusual and the unknown. When you’re not sure what you’ll find, you’re more likely to find something that will bring new richness to your life.

You are superbly able to be curious, innovative and adaptable, so make use of those powerful abilities. Step out of the comfortable box that houses everything you already know, and enjoy exploring unfamiliar territory.

If you were a typical child, you loved surprises. Make it a point to get some of that magic back.

Go where you can surprise yourself. And experience firsthand just how fascinating and rich your life can be.

Picture courtesy of Thinking Successfully 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Essence Of Time

Image result for time quotes

The concept of time is an illusion to many; a lot of people cannot describe time to you without referring to their watches. Time can build or destroy dreams depending on how you interpret it because that ultimately determines how it is used.

Procrastination is one of time’s worst enemies; because it tricks people into thinking that they have plenty of time while eating up that “plenty” of time at the same time. We have all had our share of fun with this enemy of time; ever had to study for an exam; exercise or complete an assignment and you told yourself that you will do it tomorrow? Funny how some of those tomorrows turned into other tomorrows until tomorrow is the due date then everything is done in a rush which leads to average, below or no returns at all because we end up not being bothered anymore.

It is very important that time is used wisely because time treats you exactly how you treat it; if you respect and obey the call to get things done; then time will reward you with more time to perfect what you need to do; however if you waste it and keep putting things off that you know need your immediate attention; then time will just fly and leave you behind.

The great thing about time though, is that it does not discriminate; every single human being on earth has the exact amount of time every day. 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds; however way you choose to look at it; that is the exact amount of time we are all given on a daily basis to accomplish whatever it is we want to accomplish for that day; which means no one has an unfair advantage when it comes to time, the only difference is that those that use it wisely seem to have more of it because they account for every second of every minute and plan their lives accordingly.

Unlike procrastination; planning is time’s best friend because planning simply shows time the most respect. When you plan your day by means of writing down exactly what you would like to do and when, your day has some sort of a flow to it and with each task you accomplish gives you more motivation to complete the next one and so forth. This will send a message to time that you are worthy of it and when time feels appreciated; it rewards us with the results that we are looking for.

At this moment think back to a time when you used time wisely and did what you had to do when you had to do it; I bet it felt good right? And you were proud of yourself and went to bed feeling more confident and relaxed which lead to a very peaceful sleep? 

The essence of time is all about the kind of relationship you have with time, if you disregard it, then it will just leave you behind and you will feel like there is no progress in your life but the best thing about it is that, if you choose to appreciate, respect and use it wisely, then it will take you with and allow you to adapt with it through any situation you are faced with.

From this day forth, let us work on perfecting our relationship with time; if we know something needs to be done, do not postpone it for tomorrow because somewhere in the world; it is tomorrow so it might as well be done now. 

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Inner Victory

Everything you achieve on the outside has first been created on the inside. The victories that the world is able to see are direct reflections of the victories that you’ve already won within yourself.

Your biggest obstacle to success can be your own inability to see yourself reaching it. Once you know without a doubt that you can do it, you will indeed make it happen.

The most important person to convince is you. Once you are truly convinced that you can do it, others will quickly be convinced as well.

Whatever you seek to achieve, achieve it first on the inside. Then, even the most formidable outer challenges will not have the power to stop you.

Inner achievement will build your confidence and fuel your persistence. Inner achievement will put the power of purpose behind every action.

Work to convince yourself of the worthiness and value of the goal you seek. And from that inner achievement, the outer achievement will surely flow.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Compliment People, Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses.

As human beings, sometimes we get caught in living our lives through others, we want them to be like us, think like us and act like us hence we become very quick to say how something should have been done but very slow to show appreciation in the effort made by the person who did it.

Compliments and appreciation are what keep people motivated and inspired to do better than what they are doing now, a compliment is like a drug to many, the more people receive them, the more they want and their actions begin to change because they behave in a way that will encourage more compliments.

Everybody has different tastes, and we often find that some are very different to what we would choose and when that is the case the most natural thing that comes to mind is to frown upon, make a side comment or laugh right? But what if we changed our mindsets slightly, accept the variety of tastes and look for one good thing about that particular taste and tell the person just how much we like that. This will also help us to keep our minds focused on what we like rather than what we don’t which will ultimately improve our communication with ourselves and highlight clearly exactly what it is that we like and want whether it is in ourselves or others.

You may come across a person who is dressed very well but forgot to comb their hair today, instead of pointing out the fact that they did not comb their hair which will probably embarrass them slightly, rather compliment them on how well dressed they are, what that will do for that person will have a positive impact on you too because you will notice their confidence improve instantly and their day will centre around the compliment they received from you.

As people who live in a world together, we have a responsibility to use the power that we have to uplift those around us who do not know that they too have that power, to realise it themselves, it does not cost you a thing and it empowers you even more. Sometimes all it takes is a simple compliment or “thank you”, this can go a long way in boosting a person’s self esteem and approach to what they are doing. I am sure we have all experienced that when we make people feel good about themselves, we feel good about the fact that we boosted their esteem but when you laugh at and ridicule someone; we embarrass people and moments later we feel empty and sometimes bad about what we have done.

Good feelings are contagious, if we make people around us feel good about themselves then we will also feel good about ourselves and it does not even take the person returning the favour you have done for them, a simple smile and appreciation to what you have done for them will make you feel warm inside and make you want to do more for others.

In conclusion, let us all make a decision today that we are going to thank every single person that does something for us today or any individual we feel has made a positive impact in our lives at some point, let us make our appreciation of those people sincere, genuine and heartfelt, make it a habit and watch what that does for them and for yourself. Once you have experienced it, share the experience with everyone else and encourage them to do the same.

Keeping it real with 
Rori Matsetela