Wednesday 5 August 2015


Life is a journey and not an event but in this journey there are many events that measure our progress along the way, we must be mindful when things do not go according to plan of what it is that we did not do right for the end result to not be to our liking, we all like to believe that we gave it our all, however it is important to be humble enough to acknowledge where we went wrong so that we can correct that the next time in order to achieve the desired end result.

The acronym for FAIL is First Attempt In Learning, if you think about it everything takes practise before being perfected because while you practising mistakes are allowed and it is through those mistakes that we learn to become experts in what we have practised for a long period of time.

We have been learning from the day we were born and we will continue to learn until our final breath. Lessons come in different forms, some are disguised as pain and anguish, some in classroom set ups and others in what happens to those around us; no matter how you choose to look at any situation, you are not exposed to it for the sake of it ,because we are all humans made from flesh and are prone to similar situations; however if we learn from one another then we can avoid making similar mistakes in our first attempts thus making our progression somewhat smoother because we know better.

Lessons contain seeds of growth and prosperity but you need to appreciate those seeds in order for you to plant them wisely and nourish them so that their purpose can be fulfilled, there are always many opportunities to do something better but at the end of the day it is all about you; and whether you are willing to do it better or not will determine how you seize that moment.

The great lesson today is to get things done no matter what because the only way we will ever learn is if we get started, make mistakes, acknowledge them then pick ourselves up and try again; but if we sit back and do nothing then the only lesson that will be learnt is that nothing happens; so if nothing is happening then use that as a lesson that you need to start making things happen by getting up and doing something.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

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