Thursday 7 May 2015

Compliment People, Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses.

As human beings, sometimes we get caught in living our lives through others, we want them to be like us, think like us and act like us hence we become very quick to say how something should have been done but very slow to show appreciation in the effort made by the person who did it.

Compliments and appreciation are what keep people motivated and inspired to do better than what they are doing now, a compliment is like a drug to many, the more people receive them, the more they want and their actions begin to change because they behave in a way that will encourage more compliments.

Everybody has different tastes, and we often find that some are very different to what we would choose and when that is the case the most natural thing that comes to mind is to frown upon, make a side comment or laugh right? But what if we changed our mindsets slightly, accept the variety of tastes and look for one good thing about that particular taste and tell the person just how much we like that. This will also help us to keep our minds focused on what we like rather than what we don’t which will ultimately improve our communication with ourselves and highlight clearly exactly what it is that we like and want whether it is in ourselves or others.

You may come across a person who is dressed very well but forgot to comb their hair today, instead of pointing out the fact that they did not comb their hair which will probably embarrass them slightly, rather compliment them on how well dressed they are, what that will do for that person will have a positive impact on you too because you will notice their confidence improve instantly and their day will centre around the compliment they received from you.

As people who live in a world together, we have a responsibility to use the power that we have to uplift those around us who do not know that they too have that power, to realise it themselves, it does not cost you a thing and it empowers you even more. Sometimes all it takes is a simple compliment or “thank you”, this can go a long way in boosting a person’s self esteem and approach to what they are doing. I am sure we have all experienced that when we make people feel good about themselves, we feel good about the fact that we boosted their esteem but when you laugh at and ridicule someone; we embarrass people and moments later we feel empty and sometimes bad about what we have done.

Good feelings are contagious, if we make people around us feel good about themselves then we will also feel good about ourselves and it does not even take the person returning the favour you have done for them, a simple smile and appreciation to what you have done for them will make you feel warm inside and make you want to do more for others.

In conclusion, let us all make a decision today that we are going to thank every single person that does something for us today or any individual we feel has made a positive impact in our lives at some point, let us make our appreciation of those people sincere, genuine and heartfelt, make it a habit and watch what that does for them and for yourself. Once you have experienced it, share the experience with everyone else and encourage them to do the same.

Keeping it real with 
Rori Matsetela 

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