Wednesday 20 May 2015


Hope is motivation’s greatest supply of energy; it is the fuel that gets you going when everything seems to be going against you because hope as a force is far more powerful than any obstacle that you come across and it will continue to drive out any pessimism that dares to come in its way.

For this force of hope to become stronger and to have more substance, it needs partners that can help it to have the desired impact on the end goal and the most important partner of all is faith. Faith keeps hope alive when the odds are stacked against a person because with faith comes belief which then leads to action that can manifest hope into something real.

Hope on its own can only get you so far, however you need to hold onto it as it plays a huge role in finding the strength to act, because acting does not guarantee first time results but if you hold on to hope then you are guaranteed that if you try again and try harder then you will get the results that you want.

Carry hope with you at all times, take it to bed and it will influence your dreams which will improve your attitude when you wake up, take it to work or school and you will find your true purpose for doing what you are currently doing then take it back to where it all began and you will remember why you value it so much and how far it has brought you.

Keeping It Real With

Rori Matsetela 

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