Wednesday 17 June 2015

Keep Your Head Up

A life free from obstacles is one that has not been created yet, even a foetus in a womb has to go through a lot in nine months before eventually gracing the earth with a loud cry; those are tears of joy, happiness, appreciation and victory after overcoming the first big challenge of making it to the universe where they will be able to make a more heartfelt impact in plenty of lives.

There are some situations that catch us off guard every now and then, which cause us to lose ourselves in the moment because we are in deep pain, this is okay and it only becomes a problem if we allow it to go on for too long. There comes a point during the most difficult of storms for us to get protection and move against the harsh winds that are holding us back from realising our full potential because if it is unopposed then it will blow us in the direction it chooses to take us in, however if we stand strong we force it to change direction allowing us to choose our own path.

The protection that is being referred to in this case is our head which carries our most prized asset being the mind. Use your mind to control the direction your head faces because keeping your head up shows confidence in the universe and yourself, you invite positivity and allow yourself to experience the beauty of the universe because you are directly sending a positive message to the world that you are worth more and you deserve the best.

The most natural thing that happens when our heads are held high is that our mood is lifted; we become more confident and start to show off our beautiful smiles. No matter what you are going through today, keep your head up because if you can get that right, best believe that your recovery is imminent. 

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

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