The concept of time is an illusion to many; a lot of people cannot describe time to you without referring to their watches. Time can build or destroy dreams depending on how you interpret it because that ultimately determines how it is used.
Procrastination is one of time’s worst enemies; because it tricks people into thinking that they have plenty of time while eating up that “plenty” of time at the same time. We have all had our share of fun with this enemy of time; ever had to study for an exam; exercise or complete an assignment and you told yourself that you will do it tomorrow? Funny how some of those tomorrows turned into other tomorrows until tomorrow is the due date then everything is done in a rush which leads to average, below or no returns at all because we end up not being bothered anymore.
It is very important that time is used wisely because time treats you exactly how you treat it; if you respect and obey the call to get things done; then time will reward you with more time to perfect what you need to do; however if you waste it and keep putting things off that you know need your immediate attention; then time will just fly and leave you behind.
The great thing about time though, is that it does not discriminate; every single human being on earth has the exact amount of time every day. 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds; however way you choose to look at it; that is the exact amount of time we are all given on a daily basis to accomplish whatever it is we want to accomplish for that day; which means no one has an unfair advantage when it comes to time, the only difference is that those that use it wisely seem to have more of it because they account for every second of every minute and plan their lives accordingly.
Unlike procrastination; planning is time’s best friend because planning simply shows time the most respect. When you plan your day by means of writing down exactly what you would like to do and when, your day has some sort of a flow to it and with each task you accomplish gives you more motivation to complete the next one and so forth. This will send a message to time that you are worthy of it and when time feels appreciated; it rewards us with the results that we are looking for.
At this moment think back to a time when you used time wisely and did what you had to do when you had to do it; I bet it felt good right? And you were proud of yourself and went to bed feeling more confident and relaxed which lead to a very peaceful sleep?
The essence of time is all about the kind of relationship you have with time, if you disregard it, then it will just leave you behind and you will feel like there is no progress in your life but the best thing about it is that, if you choose to appreciate, respect and use it wisely, then it will take you with and allow you to adapt with it through any situation you are faced with.
From this day forth, let us work on perfecting our relationship with time; if we know something needs to be done, do not postpone it for tomorrow because somewhere in the world; it is tomorrow so it might as well be done now.
Keeping it real with
Rori Matsetela