Wednesday 8 July 2015

A Network Of Talents

This quote is the exact opposite of the well known Les Brown Quote that states “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry their dream.”

This reminds us just how important it is to use our many God given talents before it is too late and the only time when it’s really too late is when we pass on because that is when we can do no more on earth.

We were all born a blessing and given a set of gifts that are not only meant to help us achieve our purpose on earth but also help those around us discover theirs once we become confident about ours because the more people we take along on our journey to the top, the greater the chances of us going even further as we build a stronger network of soldiers to help us carry the burden when times get tough along the way

A single step is all it takes at the moment because that is what will ensure that you are on your way and once you take that step, you will begin to open your eyes and see those ahead of you with a helping hand to help you reach the next level.

The great thing about living in such a diverse universe is that we all have something unique that we do best and as we build networks we discover people that are better at something else that can help us take the next step and our unique talent helps them to do the same, this where growth and prosperity begin which is why when we hang on to our God given talents, we are not only shooting ourselves in the foot but we are also standing in the way of someone that could do with our help to help them progress to the next level.

We were not born in a world with so many people to only serve our own purpose, if it was just about the individual then there would not be a need for billions of people on earth. We need to look beyond ourselves, we need to humble ourselves and ask for help when we need it and be kind enough to offer help where we see it could benefit another person because we cannot do it all by ourselves and many people who perished without fulfilling their potential kept it all to themselves and were to proud to ask for help.

Receiving is heavily linked to giving and we all have something that we are good at, let us all make a pledge to make full use of our talents to not only help us fulfil our potential but also to help those around us that are in need of that specific talent to compliment what they are good at, that way we are creating a whole new network that could potentially drive us to make even better use of our gifts.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

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