Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Reality is defined as the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

For these ‘things’ to exist, it starts with an idea and the more energy, time and effort you put into this idea, the greater the chances of turning it into reality.

Ideas are always open and subject to opinions, some opinions will encourage it and some will belittle the thought of it, however the most important opinion of all is the one you carry about your own idea. Is the idea good enough for you? If the answer is YES, never mind any opinion that suggests otherwise and do all that you can to manifest that idea into something tangible and real.

Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it is done”. A lot of people never thought it was possible to get a man on the moon or in space but it has happened, we have cancer survivors among us despite doctors opinions at some stage, HIV/AIDS was once seen as death sentence yet today we have people living proudly and in some cases you find them more focused and healthy than those without it.

If someone tells you that you can’t do something that you are passionate about, tell them exactly why you can and will do it! Make sure that response is passionate, firm and overshadows any doubt they were trying to plant in your head, with that you will not only be convincing yourself even more about your vision but you will also make them question the limitations they have about themselves and hopefully encourage them to change their attitudes.

Some people genuinely believe that if they cannot do something then no one else can but if they can be shown that it is possible, it can motivate them to go back to what they left unfinished because they deemed it impossible. Continue to work for what you believe in irrespective of what people say; because behind their negativity towards your dream is respect that you are actually going for it and that respect, will ultimately make them change their attitude towards their own dreams when they see your hard work, persistence and determination pay off.

In conclusion, Reality is what we choose, our reality is not the same as someone else’s reality, reality is not constant and can be changed so use every opportunity you get to elevate your reality to the next level because not only will that make you a better version of you but it also gives you the opportunity to inspire people to follow in your footsteps and turn their lives around for the better.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela 

Monday, 22 June 2015

9 Powerful Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Goals

9 Powerful Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Goals 

By Ali Luke

Wouldn’t it be great to have more time? With a few extra hours a week, you could finally accomplish those goals that have been on your list for so long … but your life just seems to get busier and busier.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can find time to reach your goals – in fact, you already have enough time, you just might not realize it.

Here are nine powerful ways to find more time, starting now:


#1: Track Your Time for Several Days

Where does your time really go? If you’re not sure, then keep track of your time for a few days. Record what you’re doing in 15 minute intervals. You may want to focus particularly on trouble-spots: times of day when you tend to procrastinate.

Look for any time sinks – tasks or activities that are taking up a lot more time than you thought. Can you cut down the amount of time you spend on these – or cut them out of your day altogether?

#2: Break Your Goal into Little Chunks

If you have a huge goal like “run a marathon” or “write a book”, you’re obviously not going to accomplish it overnight: it’s going to take months or even years of effort. Big goals can be daunting – but by breaking them into little chunks, you make it much easier to get started and to keep going.

Spend a few minutes writing down the next five small steps that you need to take to move towards your goal. These might be steps like “find a good training plan” or “buy new trainers” or “go for a 15-minute jog today” if you want to run a marathon next year.

#3: Realize That Even 10 Minutes is Enough

It’s often easy to put off working on a goal because you don’t have enough time. Sure, you might have 10 minutes to spare – but you think you need a whole hour or two. Even 10 minutes, though, is enough to make some progress towards your goal.

Find little tasks that you can fit into 10 minutes … you’ll be surprised how much they’ll add up over a week or a month! If you’re working on a book, you could spend 10 minutes brainstorming topics, adding to your plan, or even writing a new paragraph of the content.

#4: Block Out a Whole Afternoon or Weekend for Your Goal

Of course, it’s not easy to accomplish your whole goal in daily 10-minute increments: if you want to run a marathon, for instance, you’ll need to train for longer than 10 minutes at a time. This is when a diary or calendar becomes a vital tool to help you towards your goal.

Look ahead a few weeks, and see whether you can block out a whole Saturday afternoon – or even a whole weekend – to spend on your goal. Mark that time now in your diary or calendar, and don’t let any social events or chores creep into that space.

#5: Get Help from Others

You don’t have to pursue your goal all on your own. Even if you don’t know anyone who can help you in a direct way, with advice or even useful equipment (perhaps none of your friends have never pursued a similar goal), you can get people to help you free up some time.

If you have kids, for instance, how about swapping childcare with a friend? That way, you could have a few extra hours each week to focus on your goal.

#6: Use Your Lunch Break

If you’re in the habit of grabbing lunch at your desk, start using your lunch break to work on your goal. You might not be able to spend the whole hour – but you could at least take 30 minutes to go for a brisk walk, or to do a little extra work on your book.

Don’t feel guilty about taking a proper break, either (even if your colleagues don’t tend to). As well as feeling good about making progress toward your goal, you’ll get a much-needed rest from your work – leaving you more able to focus on your work during the afternoon.

#7: Use Your Commute

If you normally drive to work, how about listening to an audio book on your journey? Pick something that ties in with your goal (e.g. you might choose a book about writing, or a motivational one to help you stay on track).

If your goal relates to exercise, can you walk, jog, or cycle to work? This obviously isn’t practical for everyone – but even if you have a long journey, you could get off the train (or park your car) further from the office and walk the rest of the way.

#8: Set Your Alarm 20 Minutes Early

By getting up just a little earlier, you can make time for your goal before all the busyness of the day has begun. That might mean 20 minutes of exercising or writing, perhaps before the rest of your family is awake.

If you’re worried about being too tired, try going to bed earlier. Most of us don’t accomplish anything much in the 20 minutes before bed – whereas when we’re refreshed in the morning, we can get a surprising amount done.

#9: Get Better at Saying “No”

One big reason why most of us don’t have enough time for our goals is because we say “yes” too often. We take on commitments that aren’t a good fit for our true aims and dreams. If this sounds like you, then get better at saying “no”.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Get Going Right Now

Where do you want to be, and when do you want to get there? Can you answer that question for your own life? Can you answer it in rich and specific detail?

Anything in the world is available to you when you make the decision to achieve it. Do you understand and fully comprehend what a powerful opportunity you have?

You can continue wishing, and hoping, and dreaming, and complaining about how unfair it is that other people get all the breaks. Or you can decide exactly what you wish to achieve and then take the necessary actions which will get you there.

Don’t console yourself by thinking you couldn’t possibly do it, because you can do it when you put your mind, your heart, your spirit, your time, effort and commitment into it. You can do it. Dream big dreams. Set ambitious goals. Then go out and make them happen, step by step, day by day, moment by moment.

It happens every day and it can happen for you, when you’re really willing to make it happen. So don’t delay another minute. Get yourself going right now.

Keep Your Head Up

A life free from obstacles is one that has not been created yet, even a foetus in a womb has to go through a lot in nine months before eventually gracing the earth with a loud cry; those are tears of joy, happiness, appreciation and victory after overcoming the first big challenge of making it to the universe where they will be able to make a more heartfelt impact in plenty of lives.

There are some situations that catch us off guard every now and then, which cause us to lose ourselves in the moment because we are in deep pain, this is okay and it only becomes a problem if we allow it to go on for too long. There comes a point during the most difficult of storms for us to get protection and move against the harsh winds that are holding us back from realising our full potential because if it is unopposed then it will blow us in the direction it chooses to take us in, however if we stand strong we force it to change direction allowing us to choose our own path.

The protection that is being referred to in this case is our head which carries our most prized asset being the mind. Use your mind to control the direction your head faces because keeping your head up shows confidence in the universe and yourself, you invite positivity and allow yourself to experience the beauty of the universe because you are directly sending a positive message to the world that you are worth more and you deserve the best.

The most natural thing that happens when our heads are held high is that our mood is lifted; we become more confident and start to show off our beautiful smiles. No matter what you are going through today, keep your head up because if you can get that right, best believe that your recovery is imminent. 

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Small Steps Of Opportunity

Success rarely comes from making just a few big efforts. Success almost always is the result of small efforts multiplied again and again.

Small, simple acts can reliably lead to big, magnificent achievements. It’s just a matter of putting enough of those small, simple actions together in the same direction.

Right now, in this moment, is your opportunity to take one small step toward whatever goal you have set for yourself. In the next moment, there will be another such opportunity, and another and another as time goes on.

Achievement belongs to those who make wise and productive use of time as it comes. Achievement comes from those who understand that small opportunities can lead to big results.

Those small opportunities are everywhere, and you don’t have to beg or plead with anyone to give you access to them. You simply have to see the potential they represent, and then take action.

Each time you see the opportunity to take one small step, by all means take it. And soon you’ll be racing far ahead.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Positive Power Comes From The Inside

No matter what may be happening on the outside, you are in charge of the way you are on the inside. And the way you are inside makes all the difference in the value and fulfillment you experience in each day. 

Will you be overwhelmed by the problems or energized by the opportunities? That depends on the attitude with which you choose to live.

Will you be a victim of life’s circumstances or will you take positive control of your own destiny? The inner you makes that choice.

You can decide whether to live each day in the darkness of despair or in the light of possibility. You can choose between being a victim or a victor.

It is easy to blame your outer circumstances for the way your life unfolds. Yet the most influential factor is the perspective from which you respond to the way life unfolds.

At any time and place, in any situation, you can choose a positive, empowering, life-affirming perspective. Keep positive power on the inside, and you can successfully deal with whatever happens everywhere else.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


This quote carries so much power because it works both ways, if you repeat affirmations of greatness, success and power then that is exactly what you will believe about yourself but if you repeat the opposite then you will turn out to be that as well.

To change your current situation, you first have to change the way you think in general, monitor every thought, think about the impact of what you say will have on you before you say it out loud. We are largely what we think and say about ourselves, those that speak pain experience it the most and those that shout victory keep on winning.

Some of the words that come to mind when you think or hear about Muhammad Ali are VICTORY, CHAMPION, PASSION, BEST and CONFIDENT. These words do not just come from those that got the opportunity to see him in his prime, some of us just heard about him and yet his name brings about such powerful words and thoughts.

What we can learn from him is that we should not wait for people to say good things about us before we start doing good, we cannot afford to wait for people to tell us how great we are before we believe it, you cannot sell yourself to people if you are not sold about yourself. It all starts with you and people should follow your lead where you are concerned.

The best thing about you is that no one knows you better than you know yourself, no one can figure out how far you can go, and no one can measure your will. The reason for that is you have to see it first, because once you have seen it, you will express it and only then will people be able to comprehend what you have known all along; so do not ever be ashamed to blow your own horn because it has been specifically designed for your lungs and only you can blow it to perfection.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela 

Choose To Be Happy

The good things in life do not create happiness. The good things in life arise from happiness.

If you wish to be happy, then be happy. It really is as simple as that.

There’s no need to wait until you acquire this or achieve that. If you constantly place conditions on happiness, you’ll prevent yourself from experiencing it.

Go ahead and be happy now, today, this very moment. Be happy for no reason at all, and you’ll find that you’re more effective, more productive, more creative and more fulfilled.

Indeed, happiness is a powerful state of mind that is available to you when you allow it to be. The best reason to be happy is because you can.

Being genuinely happy is a powerful way to express your confidence and your expectation that positive things will happen. And when you confidently expect the best, that’s precisely what you get.