Reality is defined as the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
For these ‘things’ to exist, it starts with an idea and the more energy, time and effort you put into this idea, the greater the chances of turning it into reality.
Ideas are always open and subject to opinions, some opinions will encourage it and some will belittle the thought of it, however the most important opinion of all is the one you carry about your own idea. Is the idea good enough for you? If the answer is YES, never mind any opinion that suggests otherwise and do all that you can to manifest that idea into something tangible and real.
Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it is done”. A lot of people never thought it was possible to get a man on the moon or in space but it has happened, we have cancer survivors among us despite doctors opinions at some stage, HIV/AIDS was once seen as death sentence yet today we have people living proudly and in some cases you find them more focused and healthy than those without it.
If someone tells you that you can’t do something that you are passionate about, tell them exactly why you can and will do it! Make sure that response is passionate, firm and overshadows any doubt they were trying to plant in your head, with that you will not only be convincing yourself even more about your vision but you will also make them question the limitations they have about themselves and hopefully encourage them to change their attitudes.
Some people genuinely believe that if they cannot do something then no one else can but if they can be shown that it is possible, it can motivate them to go back to what they left unfinished because they deemed it impossible. Continue to work for what you believe in irrespective of what people say; because behind their negativity towards your dream is respect that you are actually going for it and that respect, will ultimately make them change their attitude towards their own dreams when they see your hard work, persistence and determination pay off.
In conclusion, Reality is what we choose, our reality is not the same as someone else’s reality, reality is not constant and can be changed so use every opportunity you get to elevate your reality to the next level because not only will that make you a better version of you but it also gives you the opportunity to inspire people to follow in your footsteps and turn their lives around for the better.
Keeping it real with
Rori Matsetela