Thursday, 30 April 2015

Conducting Your Own Masterpiece

Conductors never go into an event unprepared or without rehearsing because they respect their craft and are considered perfectionist as even though they have plenty of instruments to manage, they are still focused on the bigger picture; which is the piece they are preparing for, thus it does not matter how good the violin is over the bass if there is no harmony in the end product.

Think of your mind as an orchestra and every thought you have representing some form of musical instrument, if you do not like a certain instrument that is playing then simply change it and find another instrument that works in your orchestra, be creative about it, give each instrument the respect it deserves and allow all of them to be used to their full potential while conducting a harmonious music piece that you will be proud to release to audiences around the world.

We always get what we put out to the universe and we are largely in charge of how the final product turns out, we are given every possible instrument to produce whatever we want, when we want it and how we want it. Along the way we realise that there are some instruments that work better than others; some just do not fit in with what we are trying to produce at the end of it all and struggle to find the right harmony among various instruments in order for them to collectively become a classic finished product. 

Remember there is no such thing as too much practise and even when you feel you have mastered anything it can still be done better, hence you find that there are different renditions of songs and some people like one over the other. This can be applied to our lives; because just like the conductor chooses which instruments to play, at what rhythm and pace they should play, you have the power to do the same with your life.

Deep down in your mind and heart, you know exactly how you would love your life to turn out, you may not be sure of how you will get there but you have an idea which is a perfect start because all great things you see around you were once just an idea in another human beings mind; so do not despair if it does not come right the first time, all great things take time and practise; so go ahead play around with different ideas that can compliment your big idea until all those little ideas find harmony with your big idea thus creating the perfect masterpiece that you will be proud to have orchestrated.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Place Value In Your Challenges

Challenge is life’s way of making sure that you truly desire the things you achieve. Challenge is an excellent tool for keeping you focused on the things that really matter to you.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to live in a world with no challenge. In such a world, you could obtain anything and everything with no need for effort, discipline or commitment. Does that sound like a great setup, with your every wish fulfilled the moment you think of it? Well, it might be nice for 20 minutes or so, but it would soon grow extremely tiresome. For such a world would literally overwhelm you with meaningless triviality. Sure, every wish would be instantly granted, but it would all be painfully empty.

The value of achievement is in the achieving, in the overcoming of the challenges, in the person you become as a result of going through the process. To have the reward without the effort is to have no reward at all, nothing but an empty and meaningless token.

Challenge is difficult, often painful, always demanding, and as such, challenge is what makes true value, beauty and fulfillment possible. Challenge can be tough, yet indeed it brings about the richness and fullness of life.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Create Your Own Value

The greatest thing about self worth is that you in charge of the whole process, from creating it, to packaging it and pricing it, therefore you determine your own value; people will buy into what you sell to them and treat you according to how you package yourself.

A quality product is always looked after, preserved and given the respect it deserves; such products are often the easiest to sell and often most people will even tell you that the product sells itself. Most people do not mind paying for good quality products, they are willing to make sacrifices and do whatever it takes to get that product.

How is your product packaged? Look in the mirror and ask yourself the following questions:

Who am I?

What do I want?

What do I deserve?

Am I getting what I deserve?

If you are not satisfied with the answers you get, go back to the proverbial factory and work on that product some more. Reinvent it, repackage it, and put extra time and effort in making it better, make sure it is something that you will appreciate and be proud to show off to the world. It is your value after all and the price you put on it is not determined by the state of the economy, the market or on what others are doing.

Stop giving people the opportunity to determine your worth because their value of you will never amount to quality that you possess, if you want to be treated in a certain way, behave accordingly and those that enjoy and appreciate the finest things in life will immediately see that, flock towards you and give you the respect and appreciation you deserve. 

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Confidence overcomes Uncertainty

Whatever you set out to do, you’ll do it much more effectively when you have complete and total confidence in what you’re doing. Confidence opens doors for you. Once you get in those doors, confidence enables you to live up to the high expectations of others and the high expectations of yourself. Confidence overcomes uncertainty.

The great thing about confidence is—it truly speaks for itself. When you’re confident, you don’t need to announce it. People know. More importantly, YOU know. In fact, that’s really what confidence is, right? Knowing, without the slightest doubt, that you can do it.

Think of someone who is truly confident. Picture that person in your mind. You can tell just by looking, you can tell just by listening to what he or she says. That person is confident. You know it. Everyone around knows it.

Now let’s be very clear about one thing—confidence is not arrogance. A lot of times, people confuse confidence with arrogance. But they are completely different animals. Confidence comes from strength—real, authentic, abiding, well-founded strength. Arrogance, on the other hand, comes from weakness and insecurity. Inside every arrogant character is a frightened and insecure person. People try to use arrogance as a substitute for confidence. But it is a poor, pathetic substitute that has no real positive value. And arrogance doesn’t really fool anyone for very long. Arrogance loses its power almost immediately. Confidence, on the other hand, lasts. Arrogance runs out of steam right away. Confidence continues to grow stronger and stronger.

So don’t make the mistake of thinking you can adopt a superficial attitude of arrogance and that you’ll be able to get by with that. You won’t. Arrogance will fail you every time. It’s well worth the effort to develop the real thing, which is confidence.

Confidence is not loud. It doesn’t need to be. Confidence is quiet, and persistent, and effective. Confidence is not boastful. It doesn’t have to be. Instead of merely talking about getting it done, confidence actually gets it done. Confidence doesn’t change its course or objective with every shift in the wind. Instead, confidence enables you to adjust to whatever changes come along without having to compromise your values or intentions. With confidence, you can weather all the little distractions and disruptions and continue on the course you’ve set, continue on the course you’ve set for the long term.

So, where does confidence come from? How do you get confidence in every area of your life? Well, the thing is, you can’t really go out and GET confidence. It’s not something that can be transferred to you from someone else or from something outside of you. The only way to have the power of real confidence in your life and in your actions, is to build it yourself.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Ferraris and Ducatis

We write to change the world. We write to unleash our creativity onto a piece of paper. We write to ease a heavy burden. Many of us write to satisfy our soul. What ever reason we write for, we do it because there is a deep desire to. Many question if this is a learnt talent or a God given one? 

Why should we even question this? If you have the ability to , then just go with it. Push the boundaries of your ability and utilize it to its maximum. Don’t do it for the money or the fame. Those come with passion. Passion brings everything together. When I hear the word passion , I see images of Ferrari’s and ducati’s . Masterpieces of carbon fiber and metal. Every little piece crafted from scratch so that they all fit together. A passion to create a masterpiece is in my opinion what lead to the creation of these beauties. Here’s the question though! What spurned the start to these passionate endeavors ? How did these companies get to the standards that they are? Considering that motor vehicles have only been around for the last century .

Some say it’s a combination of a few things. Technology and chemical developments, Others say wealth structures or even consumerism. I would say it was all just a simple wish of a single man, that was so passionate that he made others believe. They stood out. They pushed the envelope . They were made special. These are things. It’s easy to make things seem special. You can hold them, touch them and feel them. 

Now here’s my the real twist in writing this piece. In writing this I want to inspire passion . Passion in people. So that their days are stronger and fruitful. Where you feel that , wow! This guy has given me something useful. How do you do this? With a few words it is not possible. A picture won’t work either. A belief would do it.

This is how pioneers did things previously. This is what leaders do. This is what makes one stand out. These men and woman believed in themselves but believed in their colleagues and team members much more. Your dreams are only possibly with the help of others. Dream big and achieve more by inspiring passion within your team.

By Nish Naidoo
Subscribe to Nish's blog 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Our Shadows With Senses

“Success attracts success and the more it attracts, the stronger and more powerful its force” _ Warren Veenman and Sally Eichhorst (Authors of Unleash Your Full Potential)

We have all at some point of our lives been told our choice of friends and people we surround ourselves with have an impact on who we will become, because it is natural that people who are around each other a lot are likely to have some influence on one another.

Every day presents a new learning opportunity for us and what we choose to learn depends on what kind of attitude we approach the day with and who we choose to learn from, and the people we learn the most from; are often the people we talk to and see every day which is what makes the choice of people we surround ourselves with very important on our path to success.

It is our responsibility to ensure that we play a leadership role in the lives of those around us, successful leadership goes both ways, for you to be a good leader then you have to be willing to be lead yourself because one can never know it all and there is always something new you can learn from another person.

For us to be successful at anything we do, we must surround ourselves with people that also want to be successful, people that have what we want to have, people that want what we want, people that believe they have been put on this earth for a greater purpose and are always looking for ways to fulfil that purpose. This is important because those are the kind of people who will see your mistakes, your strengths, your weaknesses and you will also be able to see theirs and be able to learn from their mistakes, draw from their strengths and help them overcome their fears and weaknesses while they do the same for you because they understand exactly what it is like to want to be a success as much as you do.

We need to think about all our successes in life, past and present in order to create future successful ventures and we need to associate ourselves with successful circumstances with every chance we get, whether it is through the books we read, the kind of events we attend or the people we choose to surround ourselves with and celebrate every successful story we hear or read about no matter how small others may perceive it. This will help us to have an attitude of possibilities that will drive us to do better and inspire others the same way we are inspired by those we look up to.

Always remember that when visions are aligned, probabilities of all those visions becoming a reality increases which will create an even bigger vision than the one that you had imagined to begin with, let us be careful about who and what we invite into our space because it will have a direct impact on what we become.

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela 

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Dwell In Positivity

It is not easy to think positive thoughts when the world around you appears to be so negative. In fact, it can be as difficult as anything you’ve ever done.

However, it is absolutely possible to fill your mind with positive thoughts no matter what your circumstances. Doing so empowers you like nothing else can.

To think positively is to align yourself with the truth that you’re immersed in a universe of limitless, growing abundance. To think positively is to graciously accept that your life is destined for meaningful and unique fulfillment.

Instead of placing a judgement on your situation, apply your most positive intentions to that situation. Instead of seeing the world as negative, see yourself as a powerful agent of the positive possibilities.

If you find yourself giving in to negativity, you are selling yourself short. The moment you feel the slightest twinge of a negative thought, stop and remind yourself how powerful you are.

Do the disciplined, intentional work to keep your thoughts positive. Because whatever you most consistently think, is where your life will surely and steadily go.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

How Bad Do You Really Want It

There was a young man, you know,
who wanted to make a lot of money
and so he went to this guru, right.
And he told the guru you know
I wanna be on the same level
you are and the guru said
if you wanna be on the same level I’m on,
I’ll meet you tomorrow at the beach. 

So the young man got there 4 A.M. he already to rock n’ roll.
Got on a suit should've worn shorts.
The old man grabs his hand and said:
How bad do you wanna be successful?
He said: “Real bad”.
He said: Walk on out in the water.
So he walks out into the water. Watch this. When he walks out to the water
he goes waist deep and goes like this guy is crazy. 

Hey I wanna make money and he got me out here swimming.
I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard.
I wanna make money he got me in...
so he said come on a little further
walked out a little further
then he had it right around this area
the shoulder area
so he says this old man crazy
he making money but he crazy.
So the old man said come on out a little further...
He came out a little further, it was right at his mouth
my man, I’m not about to go back in this guy is out of his mind. And the old man said:
“I thought you said you wanted to be successful?”
He said: “I do.”
He said: “Then walk a little further.”
He came, dropped his head in, held him down, hold him down, my man (kept scratching) hold him down,
he had him held down,
just before my man was about to pass out,
he raised him up.
He said: “I got a question for you.”
He told the guy, he said:
“When you want to succeed as bad as
you wanna breathe than you will be successful.” 

I don’t know how many of you got asthma here today?
If you ever had a asthma attack before your short of breath S.O.B shortness of breath,
you wheezing (breath sound) the only thing
you trying to do is get some air.
You don’t care about no basketball game,
you don’t care about what’s on T.V.,
you don’t care about nobody calling you,
you don’t care about a party.
The only thing you care about
when you trying to breathe is to get some fresh air.
That’s it!
And when you get to the point
where all you wanna do is
be successful as bad as
you wanna breathe then you will be successful.

And I’m here to tell you that number one,
most of you say you wanna be successful but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it.
You don’t want it bad than you wanna party.
You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool.
Most of you don’t want success as much as you want sleep.
Some of you lost sleep more than you lost success.
And I’m here to tell you today,
if your going to be successful
you gotta be willing to give up sleep.
You gotta be willing to work with 3 hours of sleep
2 hours of sleep, if you really wanna be successful.
Some day your gonna have to stay up 3 days in a row.
Because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to be successful.
That’s how bad you gotta want it! 

You gotta go days without sleep.
You gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat.
BeyoncĂ© said once she was on the set doing her thang,
three days had gone by and she forgot that she didn’t eat. Cause she was engaged. I never forget,
I went, 50 Cent was doing his movie,
I did a little research on 50
and 50 said: that when he wasn’t do the movie he was doing the soundtrack.
And they said: “When do you sleep?” 50,
and 50 said: “Sleep, sleep is for those people who are broke.
I don’t sleep.” See I got an opportunity to make my dream become a reality.
Don’t cry to quits.
You already in pain, you already hurt.
Get a reward from it. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed.
Listen to me,
I’m here to tell you today you can come here and you can jump up – you can do flips and you can be excited when we give away money but listen to me,
you will never be successful until
I don’t have to give you a dime to do what you need to do.
You won’t be successful until you say I don’t need that money cause I got it in here. 

Only The Strong Survive!

Speech By Eric Thomas 
Check out the video

Thursday, 9 April 2015

It's Your Time To Dance

Get out your dancing shoes the world is waiting to see your skills. Give it your best shot, it's your time to hog the limelight. Show us what you've got, if you can just get up and dance the world will definitely make the circle bigger.

Now is your chance to make a difference. Now is your moment to succeed. Now is the opportunity you've always sought. Now is the time to begin. Now is the time to keep going.

Now is the only time that will ever be available to you. Now is when you must make the effort, in order to reap the rewards. Now is when you can be effective. Now is the time to act.

Now is all yours, but it won't be for long. Use it or you will surely lose it. Now will not wait.

Everything you are, is available to you now. Everything you are to become, originates right now. Now is the time to see, now is the time to do, and now is the time to be.

Now is your chance, the chance of a lifetime. Are you living it for all it's worth?

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Try Again

The beauty about trying is that you will notice that with each attempt, there is something you do better than you did in  your last attempt, sometimes you get the first part right and mess up the ending, sometimes you stutter at the beginning; fix the error you made and move on to improve your previous ending.

With each attempt, you should aim to fix what you did wrong in the previous attempt while maintaining enough focus to perfect what was done alright, this can be very hard as we all know because sometimes it feels like we fixed problem A then create problem A+ in the process, this often creates a stationery state of mind, leading us to believe that we are going nowhere slowly but if we look at it from another angle, an angle of all champions,  we will begin to realise that we have now done what we previously perceived as difficult which means we have made great progress.

The thought of progress drives everyone to keep going on and even try harder, which is why we need to make sure that we adjust our attitude with each attempt because that is what will determine how we look at the outcome, because no matter how well we do something, it can still be done better which is why it is very important not to get complacent in any of your attempts.

The more we try, the easier it gets and the only way to perfect anything is to learn from your mistakes, correct them and be consistent in your attempts. Michael Jordan teaches us that life is a game of numbers and if we are passionate and genuine about our dream, and we have not achieved it yet, then we have not tried enough times.

MJ is still recognised as one of the greatest basketball players of all time because he never stopped trying, so in order for us to get the same if not greater recognition in our fields, we need to be prepared to do the work that comes with that kind of recognition. 

Keeping it real with 

Rori Matsetela

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

It's Never Too Late

It is never too late to live with richness, purpose, joy and love. No matter how much time you feel you have wasted or lost, it is never too late to make the very most of the moment you’re in.

No matter how many mistakes you may think you have made, it is never too late to start moving in a positive direction. The instant you choose to fully live, the past no longer has the power to hold you back.

Where you are now is precisely where you need to be. With gratitude in your heart for the journey that has brought you here, choose now to make the most of where you are.

Starting from this place you can go in any direction. It is never too late to choose the very best direction you can imagine.

Dig down and get in touch with the real substance of your most treasured dreams. For what matters most is always within your reach.

Move right on past the disappointments, the frustrations, the regrets and the negative assumptions you have accumulated. It is never too late to fully become the real, authentic, unique and valuable person you are.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Acknowledge, Appreciate, Change and Prosper!

We all want to improve our lives every day but some often feel that there is no progress which leads to them giving up on their dreams not realising that success is a process and not an event that occurs over night.

First step to changing your current situation is to acknowledge it, acknowledge how you got there and why you are in that position at that particular point in time. This is very important because it gives you perspective and makes you realise that in order to change that situation then you will have to do a lot of things that you previously did differently.

The next step is to appreciate all the good you have accomplished up to now, no matter how tough the situation you are in is; everyone has something good about them, no matter how little the good is, it is still there and we need to give thanks for every single good thing about ourselves, when we start to count our blessings, we realise that there is a lot that we have at our disposal that can be used to change our lives for the better and this step is a very important part of taking action.

Now that we are aware of our situation and have analysed what needs to change and what needs to remain, it’s time for us to take action and change our bad habits and replace them with good ones, this can be done by writing them down on one side of the page and on the other side of the page, write down the exact opposites of those habits. Once this is done, then we start incorporating the good habits into our daily schedule while keeping the good habits we already had and remember what I said at the beginning, success is a process and not an event; therefore we need to be patient with ourselves and keep doing what we have identified needs to be done regularly so that it can be imprinted so deep in our minds that it no longer takes effort to do it.

When we master our new routine, then prosperity is inevitable but we need to humble ourselves to realise what it took to get there and continue to appreciate so that we do not take our success for granted, we also need to remember that we got help along the way and should also give back and offer help to those in need because you have walked a mile those shoes yourself, no one understands better than you what it is like to be in that position and your victory should offer hope to other individuals.

Keeping it real with

Rori Matsetela